Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another turn of events

I went to the doctor for my 37 week appointment yesterday. She did my first cervical check. She couldn't feel the head, and there was no cervical "progress" (dilation/effacement). She wasn't certain but she thought the baby was transverse or breech again. I had a sneaking suspicion as of that morning. So the c section schedule remains on Sept 7. I have another ultrasound on Monday. If the baby is not head down, the c section goes forward the following week. Otherwise, we will have to talk about whether or not to induce while head down to try to catch her while in a good position. Even so, because she hasn't been head down enough to put pressure on my cervix and cause "progress" the doctor thought I would still have a 60% chance of normal labor failing and needing a csection.

So, yeah. I spent ALL day yesterday crying. No, really. ALL day.


  1. Aww...I know it's disappointing. I ended up with a C after 36 hours of labor. So my positive spin on a scheduled c-section is at least you'll be rested when you meet her! :) The hospital stay was rough because they have to check you so often (and I was already so exhausted from no sleep or food for 36 hours). But my recovery really wasn't bad. Honestly, my laparoscopy recovery was worse (I guess because they just managed the pain and post surgery stuff better for a major surgery). I have a few tips (like make sure you bring granny underwear with you to the hospital) if you want to email me!

  2. Yikes! :( Hopefully she is head down on u/s day and you will have nothing to worry about! She is a little firecracker for sure! I agree with Tara--if you are likely to end up with a c-section with an induction, then I would rather skip the induction and go for the scheduled c-section because the last thing you want is to go through labor and then end up with a c-section. Tough call, but just think, in a few short weeks you will have that little angel in your arms! :)

  3. Hang in there! It's so hard when the "plan" doesn't end up going exactly as you hoped. Hope she's head down next u/s.
