Saturday, July 18, 2009

Two Nathan milestones this morning

While feeding the kids breakfast this morning, I noticed something white in Nathan's mouth...sure enough, he had the bottom left tooth break through this morning! There is just a little white peaking through but it broke the gum line. The other one looks close! Kenna's literally came in within 2 days of each other, so it will be interesting to see if Nathan does the same.

Secondly, Nathan figured out this morning how to crawl without double-knee hopping - he went across the living room one knee at a time! I think it's official, we have a crawler!

I can see how exhausting this is going to be...both babies are into EVERYTHING. This is going to be a hard stage because they are too young still for "discipline". It would be much easier to say, "Nathan if you touch my computer cord one more time you are going to your room." Any advice on how to at least teach them what "No" means at this age? I know most books say that they can start to understand that now, but I'm not sure how. I will tell Nathan no in a firm voice repeatedly and move him away then he keeps going back.


  1. We used to use the playpen for time outs. If they misbehaved then they had to stay in there for a minute with no toys, and I would tell them very firmly, "no, don't touch cords. They can hurt you!" before putting them in. Same serious talk afterward. I know you don't believe in spanking, but we used to squeeze their hands a bit when we'd say "no", just enough pressure that they associated it with a negative feeling and would stop doing that. If they kept on misbehaving, I just kept on doing the same thing, eventually they figure it out. Congrats on the tooth and crawling! That is one early crawler! :)

  2. Yea for crawling, and a tooth!! Way to go Nathan!!
    Ah It just gets better! ;)
    As far as "no" just keep doing what you are doing. We had to start early with Alex because she was into everything. She gets it now, and has for sometime.

  3. Hurray - crawlers! I SO hope you are in shape!! I know how difficult it is with ONE kid but TWO???

    I tell Tayleigh NO in a firm voice while looking straight into her eyes. I will repeat as often as she does what I dont want her to do. I always say THANK YOU when she doesnt do it (or just momentarily stops in her doing something). She knows when she does something wrong because now she looks at me as soon as she does it and all I have to do is shake my head.
    I know this sounds bad but its like training a puppy. You have to be FIRM but also show the kids that you love them.

    Hope I made sense! :-)


  4. Horray for teeth! And crawling!!!

    At 7 months, I wouldn't try any sort of physical reprocussions like Time out or physical firm touches...their just babies, and babies are meant to explore.

    Babyproofing your house, having some gates and such will help.

    Other than that, just redirecting. I wouldn't be "firm" so to speak when speaking to them just yet, their still so young and don't even remember or think of consequences of what their doing...rather just say "no" so they learn the word, and then move them away and redirect them to something else...capture their interest in something else.

    Around about a year they start to understand a bit more, but even then I think their still too young for time-outs....

    Just a suggestion.....
